Tell-Tale Signs You Have A Good Real Estate Agent

Having a good Real Estate agent is one thing, but having a Seasoned pro that actually gets tough transactions through and helps select good deals is another. 

I literally just had a client that needed to sell their home and find another property to purchase. With the inventory being very limited it was a challenge to find that special property that fit my clients needs.

Their home they lived in was literally sold in 1 day and we started the search for that new property. My clients finally found the home they wanted and of course it was priced very high. 

The property was listed at $295,000 and updated properly worth $325,000-$335,000. We ended up getting $15,000 off the purchase price. It was great asset that my clients could do the remodeling themselves and making a home look very great. 

Doing most of the work themselves and using my connections for the rest of the work allowed them to get this great deal and save them a lot of money. 

Not being alarmed about putting in lower offers if the home needs work is a Real Estate Agents job. I would never tell my clients what to offer, but I do give them my opinion on the price. This will at least gives them a good idea what they might offer.

Also since I have helped clients rehab 100's and 100's of homes, and I know what it cost to update a home helps them understand the total cost. It also gives my clients a clearer picture of what they might be getting into with a home that needs updated.

I also assist investors on buying good cash flow real estate in their portfolio also. The properties I recommend always have equity and great monthly income. This makes my clients real estate more liquid if they want to sell or keep for income. 

A great example is a property I just sold for a international buyer that wanted some cash. We purchased the property and sold it for a projected $15,000 net profit. Needless to say he is very happy. 

Need Real Estate? Call Me I'm Brett 216-703-5740 Real Brokerage or Email

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