Is Real Estate the best Investment?

There are a lot of theories that are out there about if real estate is really a good investment. This post will be about what I think and facts of actual deals that I have done for clients recently.

The key to remembering that real estate can be purchased with Mortgages or other people's money. I hear a lot of opinions saying buy stock! You have to have cash for that and hope that the CEO spends the money wisely.

When  you purchase real estate you are the CEO and you make the decisions. The key is having knowledge to understand what real estate you are buying. Is it good or bad in income and equity growth is super important. 

Have a client that has a tenant moving out and wanted to know if he should sell or lease the property. This property nets about $850 a month after taxes, insurance and property management. 

If he wanted to sell the property he would net approximately $33,650 dollars. The client purchased the property for $75.000 and has about $20,000 in rehab. So the total investment was approximately $95,000. That is a 30% return (he has owned it 1 year).

Tell me of a stock or bank investment that will pay you that kind of return? Not all returns come out like this one but there are alot that do.

Remember it is so important on how you need to look at each asset you are considering buying. I have a course that I will be introducing soon that will teach you all the details you need to look at before investing. 

After 1000+ investment properties I want you to know how to look at real estate. Even if you're a Realtor this is a valuable course for you.   

If you need a Realtor that understands Investment Real Estate 
please call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 or Text "success" to +12164555264 or just sign in below

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