You should not Lose Money Buying Investment Real Estate

Getting Success means getting the right Professionals in your Corner

When I started buying investment real estate in 1985 I purchased a townhome in Mesa Az. This was a 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath townhome. I really had no idea what I was doing except I wanted to get into the business and there was no better way to do that than buying one myself.
Fast forward 36 years and a 1000+ properties later I can say I wish I knew what I know today then. 

There are a lot of Realtors and Wholesalers selling investment real estate and the people buying some of that real estate are not making money. Isn't that what investment  real estate is all about? Making Money?

A lot of investors internationally are looking for the cheapest real estate with the biggest cash flows. Those are a lot of times the ones you loose the most money on.

How do I know this? I deal with investors everyday that have purchased these types of properties and cannot wait to sell them. The rents have not come in and tenants are staying short periods of times. 

Investments that have cash flow attached to them need to be in areas that will attract quality tenants and also keep growing in value. 

The reason a lot investors loose money on investment real estate is the after care of their portfolio. You need a good team around your property to keep it producing income and knowing when to sell the property. 

I can assist you with all that and get you the real estate you deserve. Our properties are in areas that attract both great tenants and equity growth. 

Need that type of investment real estate? 
Call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 Fathom Realty or 
text +"Get Sold" +12164555264

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